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A woman looking over her right shoulder which has a visible scar with the words: "Healing from the Past: Scars and Scar Tissue Release" in the middle of the image.
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Scar Tissue Release

What are scars?

When we experience an injury or illness, we may retain a memento of the event in the form of a scar. Scars form when connective proteins, called collagen, replace damaged tissue. 

Many types of collagen are present in the body, though most of the collagen associated with visible scars is type I collagen. Collagen is crucial to the healing process. It is often used in cosmetic surgery and is even used to support tissue repair in burn victims.

What is scar tissue and when does it form?

The collagen in areas of non-scarred skin is randomly arranged. This arrangement has several benefits, one of which is elasticity, the ability to stretch and return to its original shape. The collagen that replaces damaged tissue tends to be aligned in a particular direction. Unfortunately, this organization doesn’t retain the benefits found in the random arrangement and contrasts with the surrounding area.

The process of scar formation is called fibrosis.Cys tic fibrosis, for example, is a disease where fibrosis occurs in the lungs, pancreas, kidneys, liver, and intestines. Cirrhosis, scarring of the liver commonly caused by overconsumption of alcohol, is another example of a disease related to fibrosis. People who’ve had chickenpox may also experience scarring of the skin where blisters have healed.

In addition to disease, scar tissue can form after surgery. Cesarean deliveries (C-sections) and organ transplant surgeries typically leave some scarring after the procedure. Advancements in medical technology created minimally invasive techniques, like laparoscopy, where small incisions and sensitive instruments can reduce the appearance and size of scars.

Scars can form during normal growth and development too. Stretch marks appear during adolescence and pregnancy as a result of significant changes in a person’s body. Severe acne and its subsequent healing can leave scars as well. Finally, the navel or belly button is a unique scar shared by just about everyone!

Are there ways to prevent scars?

While healing from surgery or injury you can take steps to reduce the appearance of scarring. Generally, steps that support healing, like keeping the wound clean and maintaining moisture around the area are also beneficial. Stitches or bandages that reduce the size of the wound can also reduce the size of the scar.

Avoiding excessive sun exposure, maintaining adequate nutrition, staying hydrated, and getting sufficient amounts of rest all contribute to healing and, consequently, reduce the likelihood that significant scars will form.

Why are some scars painful?

Injuries which result in scars may damage nerves as well. Occasionally when these nerves heal, they may begin to produce a pain response. Scar tissue from diseases may spread as the disease worsens. When this spread reaches other tissues, like bone, pain can occur. A special type of scar, called contractures, can form after burns. These scars contract or tighten the skin and muscles making movement difficult and, potentially, painful.

What is scar tissue release?

A technique used to reduce pain and improve the appearance of scar tissue is called scar tissue release. Scar tissue release is functionally similar to myofascial release, it uses manual pressure and massage-like movements to manipulate scar tissue. This technique causes the scar to relax and loosen which helps reduce pain and promote healing.

While scar tissue release tends to be more effective for newer scars, it may help reduce tension in older scars depending on their location and size. Also, scar tissue release isn’t just for large scars either, small scars can benefit from the treatment as well.

Are your scars causing pain?

Living with residual pain from an injury can reduce the happiness of your day-to-day experience. When that injury includes a scar, the effect can be amplified. If you currently have a scar that’s causing pain or discomfort, then you may benefit from exploring scar tissue release with Dr. Inman.

Dr. Inman understands that dealing with pain can take its toll over the months and years. When left unexamined, this pain can make it more difficult to follow the disciplines of good health, like eating right and getting enough exercise.

Since Dr. Inman looks at your health holistically, she’ll be able to determine if there are other areas which may need to be addressed in addition to scar tissue release. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Inman through the button below and take the next step in your health journey!

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